But Elisha said, "As YHWH lives, I stand before Him. I will not accept it." Naaman urged him to accept it, but he refused. - 2 Kings 5:16

Do you serve the Lord? If so, why? Is it for the money? I seriously doubt it! How about the personal glory and fame? Yeah, right. Maybe it is for all the side benefits and blessings. Again, I don't think so, but at least this may be closer than the other two.
Why did Elisha serve the Lord? Apparently, the old prophet of God didn't do it for the remuneration. He was offered a substantial gift from Naaman (after God had healed the Assyrian chief), but Elisha flatly refused to accept any payment for his healing services.
Of all the reasons to serve God, there is really only one that suffices: His glory. If the greater glory of God is our goal, then money, attention, benefits, even blessings won't be necessary. All that will matter is that He is known.
Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, and riches take wings. Only one thing endures and that is character. - Horace Greeley