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He has given us the privilege, since we have been rescued from our enemies clutches, to serve Him without fear in holiness and righteousness in His presence all our days. - Luke 1:73-75

Zechariah, father of John the Baptist, sang these words upon the occasion of his anointed child's (John's) birth. Spoken with all the understanding of a Levitical priest, his words carry even greater meaning for those of us who know Jesus as our Messiah and Savior.

Being a Christ-follower is an amazing privilege. We have been rescued, delivered, and saved from eternal destruction for divine purposes. We can serve our God without fear because we have been made holy and righteous by the blood of Christ Jesus and we will remain in that state of grace for all eternity while enjoying His glorious presence!

Only one response seems appropriate in light of this truth.


Evangelism must grow out of a posture of authentic concern for others. When we reach out to people only out of a sense of guilt or duty, they will feel it, they will smell it, and they will know that we see them as a chore on our check list of things to do. - Kevin Harney

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