So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don't follow their example. For they don't practice what they teach. - Matthew 23:3
The failure of the Pharisees had nothing to do with their love of God's Word or attention to its detail. These men were the most honored among the Jews of their day, because they represented God's righteous standard. Their failure did not come from a lack of intelligence, but rather from a shortage of obedience. While the Pharisees were known for reciting lengthy portions of Scripture, they struggled to model even one of the gracious attributes of the God they claimed to serve.
As a student and follower of Scripture, adherence to the inerrant, infallible Word of God is of the utmost importance; however, strict observance of the "letter" cannot be a substitute for modeling the heart of God before a world without Christ.
Those of us who love the Word must also love the lost for a faith without works is indeed dead.