But Gideon said to them, "I will not rule over you, and my son will not rule over you; YHWH will rule over you." - Judges 8:23
Israel's desire for an earthly ruler was apparent before that demand was ever brought to the prophet Samuel. King Saul, though reluctant to lead Israel, still accepted the position. Of course, later on it all went to his head and cost him God's anointing.
On the other hand, when Gideon was offered the position of Israel's leader, he refused. Unfortunately, after Gideon died, his son never "got the memo," murdered his brothers, and grasped power, fulfilling the desires of a disobedient populace.
The history of Israel and her rulers reveals a basic, sinful desire in us all. We want a leader of our own choosing, but not one who will lead us in greater obedience to God.
In this election year, I wonder, what will guide our choice?
Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first a foundation of humility. - Augustine