Abraham gave everything he owned to Isaac. And Abraham gave gifts to the sons of his concubines…. – Genesis 25:5-6
It was a startling truth when I first discovered that Abraham fathered other children besides Isaac and Ishmael. After Sarah died, Abraham went on to have more kids with Keturah (whom he took as his wife). He also fathered other children by his concubines. All of whom he eventually sent "east," with some "gifts" for their sustenance.
Is it any wonder that so many lay claim to Abrahamic lineage today? If not for the biblical record identifying Isaac as the "son of the promise" (and also describing Abraham's actions to solidify that position), there would be an even bigger mess with which to contend.
What's the point? Why do I seem to be picking on the one who believed "and God reckoned it as righteousness?"
God's pathways are usually less complicated than ours and always the most efficient in the accomplishment of His purposes. We will have to limit our fleshly desires and curb our earthly wisdom in order to remain obedient to God, but if we do so, we will enjoy a much-preferred outcome and a much-easier path to the destination. I'm sure that Abraham, in the end, would have acted differently if he had known the outcome.
Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God. – Jim Elliott