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A Light to the Nations

You have prepared it in the presence of all peoples -- a Light for revelation to the Gentiles and glory to Your people Israel. - Luke 2:31-32

Simeon held tightly to his promise from God that he would not leave this earth before laying eyes on the "consolation" of Israel, the Messiah, the Christ. We can only speculate as to how he knew who to approach within the Temple courtyard, but upon finding Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, Simeon spoke the prophetic words captured by Luke above.

Isn't it interesting to note that Simeon understood something that Judah as a nation had forgotten? That the Messiah would be a light for revelation to the Gentiles (or nations)? The sad truth is that, like Judah, many churches have similarly forgotten Christ's purpose.

What will turn this negative tide of destructive isolationism? Only what Simeon himself experienced, the very presence of that same Messiah, Jesus.

... in a postmodern culture, the messenger is the message. How we are perceived is every bit as important as the truths we espouse. What they see is what they get. - John Burke

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