But Balaam answered him, "Didn't I tell you: Whatever the LORD says, I must do?" - Numbers 23:26
Does your pastor preach the Bible? I'm sure that most evangelicals would respond with a hearty, "Amen!" However, it seems to me that preaching from the Bible is just not the same as preaching the Bible. Do you know what I mean?
Balaam, the false prophet, repeatedly asserted that he could only pronounce that which God had told Him to say, but ultimately his message was compromised or altered to accomplish his personal objectives. He kept looking for a loophole in God's Word until he found one that met his personal agenda.
How many popular preachers are guilty of the same practice today? Perhaps the reason we have so many weak churches is that we have such weak preaching. If a pastor claims to preach from Scripture, then he must certainly preach the Scriptures. He should not begin with an idea or opinion and then search for a verse to support it. This is manipulative and leads to much error and even heresy. Too often I have seen someone read a verse and then speak on an unrelated theme. This is not biblical preaching and should not be claimed as such. Passion and volume are not wrong (neither are tears), but they are no substitute for biblical truth. Our people are perishing from a lack of God's truth, not from a lack of "warm fuzzies." Ears are being tickled, but too many hearts are not being changed.
Yes, we need revival in the churches (here and everywhere), but I believe it must begin with a revival of biblical preaching.
O my brethren, my heart is enlarged towards you. I trust I feel something of that hidden, but powerful presence of Christ, whilst I am preaching to you. - George Whitefield