For those who live according to the flesh think about the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, about the things of the Spirit.- Romans 8:5
A penny for your thoughts?
Let's be honest. There have been times on our lives when we might have given $100 just to get some people to keep their thoughts to themselves! In fact, there have been times when I would have paid that much just to shut my own mouth.
God's Word contains multiple references addressing the difficulty of controlling one's tongue, but there is also plenty of instruction to help us understand where the root of this difficulty lies. To control the tongue, one must first control the flesh and in order to control the flesh one must first control the mind; however, before a person can control their mind it must first be renewed by the transforming power and presence of God.
Surrendering your life to Christ brings instant spiritual birth and transformation. Then, through the process of sanctification, God's truth is taught by His Spirit, and over time our way of thinking is radically adjusted from an unhealthy, fallen worldview to one that is healthy, edifying, and spiritually-transformed. Our task, as Christ-followers, is to think on His truth and apply it to life.
God doesn't want a penny or even a Franklin for our thoughts. He just wants our time.
There are three things which the true Christian desires in respect to sin: Justification, that it may not condemn; sanctification, that it may not reign; and glorification, that it may not be. - Richard Cecil