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Achieving Cultural Change

When he had assembled them, as well as the workers engaged in this type of business, he said: "Men, you know that our prosperity is derived from this business." - Acts 19:25

Have you ever paused to consider who is most angered by your service of the Lord?

As Christianity grew in Ephesus, the idol-making industry shrank and the goldsmiths (who were some of the greatest benefactors of a prosperous idolatry) were negatively affected. Obviously, they were then some of the most irate at the successful work of Paul and his friends.

One way to measure the effectiveness of your efforts for Christ is the effect it has on the decisions of those who live within its boundaries. In Paul's ministry, idol-worship fell because the worship of the one, true God rose. We should see similar effects among those with whom we minister. True adoration of God replaces the worship of all else.

We all agree that the rejection of idolatry will certainly bring positive cultural change, but idols can never be rejected apart from a change of heart. While legislation and laws may limit immorality (and, therefore, remain necessary), they can never guarantee a truly moral culture. Only Christ reigning over mind, soul, and spirit can do that.

Only changed hearts change cultures.

Will power does not change men. Time does not change men. Christ does. - Henry Drummond

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