When the LORD your God drives them out before you, do not say to yourself, "The LORD brought me in to take possession of this land because of my righteousness." - Deuteronomy 9:3
The Israelites were a rebellious, forgetful people. They turned their back on God almost from the first moment that He graciously led them into the Promised Land. It seems that no matter how much they suffered for their rebellion, Israel could never grasp how horrible life apart from God could be. They even forgot their past rebellion! Knowing that they were prone to boastfulness, God reminded them repeatedly that He was the only One worthy of their praise.
Are we really much different? Do we not also rebel against God from time to time, forgetting how gracious He has been? Though as Christ-followers we might never proclaim personal righteousness apart from grace, are we sometimes guilty of silent rebellion in not giving God the credit He deserves?
Be sure to always give all the glory to God.
We exist not to build nice structures, protest our way of life, or keep the trash cans clean but to share the best news ever with the people in our community and around the world. The church should never be just about us. - Kevin Harney