Cush fathered Nimrod, who was the first powerful man on earth. He was a powerful hunter in the sight of YHWH. That is why it is said, "Like Nimrod, a powerful hunter in the sight of YHWH. – Genesis 10:8-9
Who or what defines your life? Is it God or this world?
According to the biblical record, Nimrod was a name that symbolized manly power and skillful hunting. Yet, according to this world, Nimrod is a term of derision, implying incompetence, stupidity, or foolishness. One definition of Nimrod originates in the Word of God. The other, the second, most likely comes from a Bugs Bunny cartoon! Bugs often called Elmer Fudd (his protagonist) "Nimrod" as a way of ridiculing his hunting skills. Thus, at least in American culture, the name "Nimrod" eventually became a way to ridicule another or put another person down.
Now, let me ask you again, who or what defines your life? Is it this worldly culture that seeks to ridicule everyone and every effort to biblically succeed or is it God who desires to give you His life, the One who desires to make you a "skillful, victorious, powerful hunter."
Who, or what, is keeping you from being the person God desires you to be?
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. – David Brinkley