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Better To Be a Ninevite

The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because they repented at Jonah's proclamation, and look -- something greater than Jonah is here! - Luke 11:32

In ancient Jewish history and culture it would be difficult to imagine a people more despised than the Assyrians. It is for this reason, it seems, that Jonah rejected the command and intentions of God that he go to their capitol city and warn them of God's impending judgment. Jonah did not want them to repent, he wanted them to be destroyed. Of course, Jonah eventually arrived in Nineveh, the Ninevites repented, and God's destruction upon them was averted.

Jesus, speaking to the Jewish leaders of His day, compared them to the Ninevites to whom Jonah had preached. Though One much greater than Jonah was before them (they who had condemned the Ninevites), they still refused to repent.

From Jesus' comparison two lessons emerge. One, it is always easier to see another's sin more than your own and, two, the judgment for rejecting Christ is greater than any other punishment a person will ever face. In this one instance, it is truly better to be a Ninevite.

All men will be "Peters" in their bragging tongue, and most men will be "Peter" in their base denial; but few men will be "Peters" in their genuine repentance. - Owen Feltham

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