Then the Devil took Him to the holy city, had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: He will give His angels orders concerning you, and they will support you with their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone." - Matthew 4:5-6
One of the greatest tools of deception utilized by Satan in the life of a Christ-follower is a half-truth. Of course, this should come as no surprise for it is the tactic he used with Christ Himself in the desert temptations. In his second attempt, the Deceiver actually quoted Scripture, hoping that by it he might lead Jesus into a foolish action. The temptation failed, however, because the Author of all truth knew the difference between the half and the whole.
To this very day, our Enemy continues to use false preachers and teachers to dupe the saints into false heresies by the tool of half-truths. These followers fall victim because they do not know enough of God's Word to see what is missing. Every single cult on earth draws its existence from such tactics and, sadly, so do many "popular" ministries.
Enough already. To the teacher, I say, "Teach the Word, all of it." And to the saint, I say, "Reject all those who do less." The Devil's playground is usually found between the half and the whole.
Half a truth is often a great lie. - Benjamin Franklin