Now great crowds were traveling with Him. So He turned and said to them.... - Luke 14:25
At the height of His public ministry, Jesus was very popular. Many would flock to hear Him preach, teach, feed and heal. In the midst of such clamor and adulation, when most leaders would have relished the fame, Jesus began instead to turn people away.
Why did they leave?
Quite simply, Jesus began to emphasize the cost of discipleship and the challenge of personal sacrifice that being His follower would require. You see, it was never His aim to be popular.
So, why should it be ours?
The one who presents a "popular" version of Christ cannot, will not find himself or herself on a path to God's greater glory. Our Father never needed man's acceptance, nor does He desire it. He just demands our worship.
Let us always be wary of a popular Christ, or a popular Christianity.
Avoid popularity if you would have peace. - Abraham Lincoln