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Call Her Blessed

Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed, because the Mighty One has done great things for me, and His name is holy. - Luke 1:48-49

Have you ever wondered how Mary would feel about all the "Mary-worship (Mariolatry)" in the world today?

You don't have to search very hard in Scripture to find the humble, servant spirit of this dear young girl who reared Jesus, only to watch as He later died on a cruel cross. Mary never considered herself worthy of adoration, because in her heart and mind such devotion only belonged to "the Mighty One" whose "name is holy."

While Mary might have had some limited understanding of the important part she would play in Israel's history and redemption, she desired no personal acclaim. Let all of us who love the Son call her simply and wonderfully "blessed." In the same way, let each of us also accept our personal role in bringing Jesus to a lost world, desiring no personal acclaim.

Anything more is idolatry and an offense to Mary's Savior.

Do you seek any further reward beyond that of having pleased God? In truth, you know not how great a good it is to please Him. - John Chrysostom

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