When Saul realized that YHWH was with David and that his daughter Michal loved David, Saul became still more afraid of him, and he remained his enemy the rest of his days. – 1 Samuel 18:28-29
King Saul was afraid of David because God was on David's side. Perhaps, there is no greater indicator of a warped sense of justice! If you begin to dislike or fear those who oppose you because they walk with God, then with whom might you be walking?
Jesus instructed His first followers to “remain” or “abide” in Him. If we are not “with” Him, then we must be “with” someone or something else. We need to remain beside the Lord every moment of every day, then when the attacks surely come, we will find ourselves on the right side of the battle!
In the television series "Survivor," alliances are formed between participants in order to progress in the game. Sometimes those alliances are made between people who don't really trust one another and winning no matter the cost in character or integrity. IN the same manner, Saul aimed to retain control of his kingdom, even though God had determined he had forfeited it. Ultimately, the king that God had chosen became the enemy God rejected.
Today, you must choose. Whose side are you on?
If you are not satisfied with what God chooses for you, what else can please you? – Jean Pierre De Caussade