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Concerns - God's or Ours

But He turned and told Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me because you're not thinking about God's concerns, but man's." - Matthew 16:23

What is the definition of spiritual discernment? Is it not the ability to see or understand God's will and purpose through the clouded lens of our own preconceptions? Peter, who clearly believed Jesus to be the Son of God and Jewish Messiah, could not comprehend how the Savior of the world might die at the hands of mortal men. He could accept a victorious King, but never a Suffering Servant.

How about us? How do we see Jesus? Are we, at times, more like the pre-Pentecost Peter than we care to admit? Do we accept the mushy babbling of popular preachers who decry God's purposes by promising a life free from pain? Do we blame Satan for the common tribulations of an earthly life? Do we only pursue those ministries that promise to keep us safe, secure, and financially stable?

May the Holy Spirit inspire in each of us the mind of Christ in order that we might see beyond our own temporal concerns for His greater glory and good. This world needs Christ-followers who care more for the Savior than themselves.

If we cannot believe God when circumstances seem to be against us, we do not believe Him at all. - Charles Spurgeon

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