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Crossing That Jordan

We will not return to our homes until each of the Israelites has taken possession of his inheritance." - Numbers 32:18

When two-and-a-half tribes of the Israelites decided to settle on the eastern (non-promised) side of the Jordan River, Moses expressed concern because he thought they were repeating the fearful error of their ancestors. In response, the tribesmen assured him that this was not the case and further backed it up with their own expressed promise (above). Once they had achieved victory for themselves, they were still willing to leave the security of their possession in order to secure the same for others.

Great message. Great principle. Great challenge.

Can we responsibly enjoy safety, security, and freedom of life and worship while billions across the "Jordan" have not even had the opportunity to claim the same. Dare we shout from this side, "You're on your own!", when others did their part to make our possession possible?

To rephrase the words of another, "We have a cause, why are we waiting for another call or another command?" May we always be willing to cross that "Jordan"

I feel now, that Arabia could easily be evangelized within the next thirty years, if it were not for the wicked selfishness of Christians. - Samuel M. Zwemer

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