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Die With Him

"Even if I have to die with You," Peter told Him, "I will never deny You!" And all the disciples said the same thing. - Matthew 26:35

Which do you think is easier? To die with Christ or to live for Him?

Peter, and all the other disciples, honestly believed that they were ready to die with Jesus. They also claimed that they would never, ever deny Him. Of course, we all know how that story played out.

I think it is easier to die with Jesus than to live for Him, but only because you have to die with Him before you can ever live for Him. Does that make sense? If you believe in Jesus Christ, then (according to the Scriptures) you have also died with Him. In believing, you die to self, having been crucified with Him. In other words, you must die in order to live. Unfortunately, living for Christ is still difficult. If not, then why do we so often deny Him by our actions?

O Lord, may we always die with You, that we might live for You and never, ever deny You.

God grades on the Cross not on the curve. - Adrian Rogers

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