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Don't Miss the Miracles

So the Jews were saying to the man who was cured, “It is the Sabbath, and it is not permissible for you to carry your pallet.” - John 5:10

An old proverb reminds us that it is possible for someone to not "see the forest for the trees." The president of a company being audited by some colleagues of mine once put it this way, "You guys are stomping ants in the corners, while elephants are running up and down the halls!"

In other words, it is possible to miss the big picture due to an overzealous focus on irrelevant details. The overzealous, legalistic Jews of Jesus' day were so focused on an obedience-earned favor from God that they missed the miraculous power of a Christ-proffered life-change. In the story above, they saw a pallet being carried, but missed the miracle of the man carrying it!

Let us not be like them. Instead, take a step back and view life, all of life apart from "do's and don'ts." Then you can see that this life is meant to be lived under the Lord's rule, but not a set of rules.

Such sight might just keep you from missing His miracles.

Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature. - Augustine

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