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Don't Stifle

Don't stifle the Spirit. - 1 Thessalonians 5:19

Archie Bunker (as a television character in "all in the Family") was the epitome of a bigot and yet also an American icon in the 70's. His wife Edith was a scatterbrained, sensitive soul who loved him deeply. Often, because of her incessant chatter, Archie would look at her and say, "Edit', stifle!" What he meant was, "Please, stop talking."

While Archie's line was humorous in its context, we must be very careful to never communicate, by action or neglect, similar thoughts to the Holy Spirit, no matter how much we dislike what He is communicating to our hearts and minds by His Word. Being God, the Holy Spirit never needs our permission to speak and while His words at times may be encouraging (we like those), many times they are the opposite (exhorting, corrective, and even rebuking). We typically don't like these.

The Holy Spirit will also speak when it is inconvenient, interrupting our comfortable existence and though we may not have the power to silence Him, we often resist (or feign deafness), ultimately affecting our own ability to hear Him in the future.

How sad it is when we miss His message. How tragically wrong when we ignore it.

It is at the feet of Jesus, looking up into His friendly countenance, listening to His loving promises, it is in intercourse with Jesus Himself in prayer, that all doubtfulness of mind falls away. - Andrew Murray

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