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Elisha Died and Was Buried

Elisha died and was buried. Now Moabite raiders used to enter the country every spring. – 2 Kings 13:20

After all that Elisha had accomplished for God, after all of the magnificent displays of God's power, after all his years of unfailing service, his obituary only warranted five words in biblical history. There is no mention of a ceremony, service, or memorial, only that he died and was buried. Somehow, I expected more for such a great servant of God.

So, how will your epitaph read? I am certainly no Elisha, but even I could equal the obscure description of his earthly end.

Whatever Elisha did it was done for God's glory and not his own. If asked about his great exploits, I imagine Elisha would have said, "I have done nothing more than what God asked of me." Humility marked Elisha's ministry (as it did each of God's great servants) and it must be the defining mark of every true and lasting effort for Christ.

Remember that humility is often empowered by obscurity and we are all expected to live life and serve the Lord in the shadow cast by the brightness of Christ's glory.

He that is down needs fear no fall. He that is low, no pride; he that is humble, ever shall have God to be his Guide. – John Bunyan

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