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Endure and Lead

You will be hated by everyone because of My name, but not a hair of your head will be lost. By your endurance gain your lives. - Luke 21:17-19

In America it seems that those who hold to biblical values and morality are becoming an ever-increasing minority. As wickedness expands and what was once abhorrent becomes accepted those who oppose it will continue to be labeled as intolerant, bigoted, even hateful for their views. The lack of civil discourse that accompanies are seemingly never-ending political cycle certainly seems to bear this out, as does the ever-widening rift.

What should a Christ-follower do?

Remain civil in the face of the ever-increasing venom. Though reviled, our Savior did not return the sentiment. Reach out to those who will certainly come to the conclusion that hedonism is empty. Bridge-building is our work. The spiritually-bankrupt will never seek it.

Finally, endure unto the end and lead, the blind will never properly guide for they cannot see.

Let it be remembered that steadfast application to a fixed aim is the law of a well-spent life. - Leaves of Gold

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