But Noah found favor with the Lord…. So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him. – Genesis 6:22
Here is a question for your consideration. Which came first for Noah, God's favor, or Noah's following? The biblical record informs us that among all the inhabitants on earth, Noah found favor with God.
The word "favor," also translated "grace," usually indicates the idea of "securing approval and provision." In this case, it seems that Noah had known God's approval, His favor, because he had lived righteously. Yet, the text goes on to reveal that with the knowledge of God's favor Noah went on to do everything exactly as God had commanded him. From this we see that God's favor must have encouraged Noah's obedience. So, which came first? Obedience or favor?
Favor, of course. For God's favor to exist, so must He, and since God is pre-existent, then so is His favor. Noah knew God and His favor because they had both been there his entire life. This knowledge encouraged him to live righteously. Such is the way of grace. If you wish to follow, you must first know God's favor.
He rides pleasantly enough whom the grace of God carries. – Thomas à Kempis