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They asked, "What guilt offering should we send back to Him?" - 1 Samuel 6:4

After the Philistines defeated the Israelites and returned to Ashdod with the ark of the covenant, God began to plague them with a lot of troubles. In response, their leaders went to their pagan priests to find some sort of response or action that would appease the God of Israel and remove the tumors and rats that had infested their lives. It was in this time of difficulty that they asked, "What guilt offering should we send back to Him [YHWH]?"

The Philistines may not have been the brightest bulbs on the planet at the time, but since they were under a God-induced plague this was a good question to raise, right? They knew that they had messed up and they also knew that they needed to do something to fix it. Simple really.

Until a person recognizes his fault before God, they cannot be saved. Understanding this, we who do know Christ need to pray that those who do not will first be led to see their fault, their need. Often, when a person sees their fault (sin) before God (by His revelation), that person will want that fault to be "fixed" or repaired. The attentive "guide" will then be ready to give this person a biblical response to their need and hopefully, ultimately, by God's grace and under the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, that person will discover that their sinful inadequacy can be repaired or fixed by the blood of Christ.

By the blood of Christ, we may all be made complete, repaired, yes, indeed fixed.

And now let me address all of you, high and low, rich and poor, one with another, to accept of mercy and grace while it is offered to you; now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation; and will you not accept it, now it is offered unto you? - George Whitefield

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