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Follow Him

Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” – John 21:22

For many years, my wife and I attended the annual meeting of our denomination and we would return from those trips a bit confused. This "confusion" was usually instigated by the annual report of our denomination's mission sending agency. While we had been seeing God at work in stateside places of service, we would always feel the "tug" to go overseas and would inevitably (and continually) ask, "Why not us?" As it turned out, the answer lay in our disobedience (not any confusion originating with the Lord) and we would eventually obey, go overseas, and serve.

It is good for all of us to be reminded of Jesus’ final words to Peter. God has a specific path for each of us and while it may not involve an overseas assignment, it always includes overseas involvement. We serve a King who is eternal in a kingdom that is universal. We must not place geographical limits on our ministry but rather consider the whole world in need of our Savior.

Are you where God wants you? The answer lies in your obedience (or lack thereof). You know the answer, but you must also act on this knowledge (stay, go, but always abide). As long as you continue to follow Christ, you must learn to be content with His path and follow.

Great offices will have great talents, and God gives to every person the virtue, temper, understanding, taste, that lifts them into life, and lets them fall just in the niche they were ordained to fill. – William Cowper

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