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For God's Sake, Speak!

That whole generation was also gathered to their ancestors. After them another generation rose up who did not know YHWH or the works He had done for Israel. - Judges 2:10

Although it is obvious from the biblical record that Israel struggled with obedience to God throughout her early history, this was never more true than in the period immediately after Joshua (and the wilderness generation of leaders) died. We don't even have to wonder why.

"They did not know YHWH or the works He had done for Israel."

While the generation that rose up after Joshua could be held personally responsible for their own failures, some guilt must be laid at the feet of those that preceded them. God's truth is a precious commodity, but it is not something to be hoarded. It must be shared and it must be given a context. The context is your life, my life, and it is this history that succeeding generations need to see and hear.

Will those that follow make some of the same mistakes that we have? Sure they will, but may it never be because they did not first hear from us. So, speak of the victories. Speak of the failures. Speak of God's grace. Speak of His forgiveness.

But for God's sake, speak!

Men cannot give a meaning to a history that they themselves lack, nor can they honor a past which indicts them for their present failures. - R. J. Rushdoony

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