And He told this parable: "A man had a fig tree that was planted in his vineyard. He came looking for fruit on it and found none." - Luke 13:6
The most important concern in the life of a professing Christ-follower should be fruitlessness. Yet, not for the reasons that one might initially expect.
When it comes to bearing fruit for Christ, the emphasis should be placed upon the word "bear." So often those of us who follow Christ fall into the trap that promotes an attitude of "fruit-production" rather than "fruit-bearing" and the difference is significant.
The Spirit of God produces spiritual fruit in and through the life of a believer and this production is made possible by a vital, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. In other words, we do not produce fruit, we simply bear it. From this truth we can understand that fruitlessness will never be overcome by greater effort or activity (more work), but instead by consistent abiding in the Savior (John 15).
Fruitlessness should always therefore be our concern, because it points to a connection in need of correction and those who remain fruitless in God's service face certain chastisement from Christ.
Remember. O my soul, the fig tree was charged, not with bearing noxious fruit, but no fruit. - Thomas Fuller