Why is it considered incredible among you people if God does raise the dead? - Acts 26:8
Incredible - (adjective) Impossible or difficult to believe; extraordinary; amazingly good or beautiful.
God - (noun) The Creator and Ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the Supreme Being.
Mindful of these two definitions, Paul stood before Herod Agrippa and posed a simple question that, though it may baffle those who struggle to accept the existence of any divine being supreme to mankind, should indict anyone anywhere who claims the existence of the one, true God.
Paul had given his life to the belief that Jesus, who called Himself the Son of God, had risen from the dead and that Jesus' Father (God), had raised Him. What perplexed Paul was the idea that anyone who accepted the existence of a being that had made life struggled to believe that this same Ruler of the universe was incapable of restoring it!
Hear me, if He "is," then He "can" and He "will." Nothing is so dead that God can't raise it.
Our old history ends with the cross; our new history begins with the resurrection. - Watchman Nee