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He Learned Obedience

Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. - Hebrews 5:8

How does the One who is omniscient "learn" anything?

By definition, omniscience means "all-knowing." Yet, He who claimed to be the Son of God (and equal to His Father when He told His followers, "If you know Me, then You know the Father for I and My Father are one.), learned obedience from the things which He suffered. What about "obedience" could Jesus have possible needed to learn?

Prior to His first arrival, the Son of God was a spiritual being but then most of us understand He "took on flesh," uniting the two in hypostatic union, living (as we all do) an individual, human existence. It was in His humanity that Jesus, our Savior, lived, died, and lived again. His journey was not easy. No one's is. He got tired, hot, cold, dirty, and felt pain, just like us. The test of Christ's obedience and where He learned it did not come in the gentle downslope of life, but rather in the uphill, scrambling, sweat-stained climb that we all must daily face.

Jesus faced it all (and more), obeyed, and in doing so understood as a human the difficulty of humanity, showing us the way.

You never climb a mountain on accident - it has to be intentional. - Mark Udall

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