They will kill some of you. You will be hated by everyone because of My name, but not a hair of your head will be lost. By your endurance gain your lives. - Luke 21:16-19
The disciples asked Jesus when His new kingdom would become a reality, thinking that it would be soon and that it would be glorious. The Lord's answer was probably not what they were expecting. Instead of triumph, peace, prosperity, and power, Jesus spoke of disasters, false teachers, persecution, famine, and plagues. He even said that all would be hated and some would die.
Not exactly a textbook pep talk!
Yet, Jesus also spoke of the need for His followers to endure and of the ultimate reward that would be theirs if they persevered unto the end, eternal life. e wanted them to understand that every present circumstance had be observed with a view to this future reality or all would be in vain, all hope would be lost.
When doubts creep in and you begin to think, "What's the point?," just remember, He's the reason for whatever season you're in.
The best way out is always through. - Robert Frost