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He Will Supply What You "Need"

Everyone whose heart stirred him and everyone whose spirit moved him came and brought the Lord’s contribution for the work of the tent of meeting and for all its service and for the holy garments. - Exodus 35:21

I have often served with ministries that rely upon the consistent gifts of faithful resource partners who believed that what we did:

1. Mattered to God,

2. Accomplished His purposes, and

3. Managed well that which He provided.

This meant that often we (my colleagues and I) had to appear in front of individuals, groups, or institutions asking for their financial assistance.

A wise teacher and mentor once said that the key to the adequate funding of any faith-based ministry was to simply "trust God" and "tell people." It was Hudson Taylor who once said, "God's work never lacks God's supply." This would indicate that as long as you are actively involved in God's work you will have what you truly "need" to make it happen.

With this in mind, I pray now that the hearts of God's people would be stirred to meet Him with all they have (which happens to be all His) to do that which pleases Him most.

Never be afraid of giving up your best, and God will give you His better. - James Hinton

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