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His Righteousness, Not Ours

Understand that YHWH your God is not giving you this good land to possess because of your righteousness, for you are a stiff-necked people. - Deuteronomy 9:6

Moses, in his continuing historical account of Israel's deliverance from Egypt, reminded them once again (with little subtlety) just how utterly rebellious they had always been. The good news for Israel was that if God had blessed them, it was because of His covenant, His faithfulness, His righteousness, not theirs.

Of course, they were often prone to forget this truth and presume upon the grace they had received.

Now, shall we who are the recipients of a new covenant in Christ Jesus boast in our goodness? Please! You say that we are not boastful. Well, let me ask you this, "Are we humbled by the gift of grace we so required?" Is not an absent humility another description for apparent pride? Do we not ourselves presume too often upon that same grace? In the words of the Apostle Paul, "May it never be!"

We, like Israel, may have seen success and blessing, but like Israel, it is not due to our faithfulness. It is a result of God's perfect covenant with His Son, Jesus Christ (the Righteous One), in whom we find life everlasting and a sure promise of a secure future.

We are justified, not by giving anything to God (what we do), but by receiving from God, what Christ has done for us. - William Gurnall

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