For, as it is written: The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you. - Romans 2:24
How well do we represent Christ among those who know nothing of all He has done? As His ambassadors, what should be our greatest concern about representing Jesus? At the risk of oversimplification, there is one characteristic of a Christ-follower that seems to sit at the top of His list and that attribute is humility.
Paul vilified the "Judaizers" for their pride and boastful (presumed) adherence to the Mosaic Law. In fact, this sect preached a legalism that they themselves could never maintain and in doing so also portrayed a God who knew nothing of grace. The outcome of their boastful failure was that the people they were supposed to reach with the gospel instead blasphemed the God who made it possible.
This world is a spiritually dark place in desperate need of Jesus' light. To those who have only known this darkness, light itself can be painful enough when first introduced. Perhaps, gentle introduction to God's truth is more preferable, and more acceptable (meaning less recoil) among those who have never heard it before. While the Cross of Christ will certainly remain an offense, we who understand its significance should not be offensive because of that which we have unnecessarily added. In this way, we might see the name of God "praised" (never blasphemed) among the nations.
None so empty of grace as he that thinks he is full. - Thomas Watson