Is Christ divided? - 1 Corinthians 1:13
There have been some unique "seasons" in my service of the Lord. At times it has been a season of preparation and at other times, a season of humiliation and then, of course, there have also been seasons of great realization.
There was the time I left behind a solid career in public utilities to pursue God's calling into full-time ministry. Then there was the move to upstate New York in the dead of winter, believing that in that place we would best prepare for overseas service. In 2007, we had to consider whether or not we would be obedient to that overseas call (20 years after it came). There have been so many challenges such as these and we have done our best to rise to every one.
None of these "faith" moves were easy and even now, I am certain more challenges lie ahead, simply due to the fact that this work to which we have been called, strikes a deadly blow at the heart of our spiritual enemy. Some might say the strength of a strategy lies with better methods, but rather I am convinced it lies in the power that comes from unity, a John 17 unity that proclaims Jesus presence. As in our marriage, those of us who comprise Christ's church could not have come this far without each other.
Is Christ divided? Indeed not! So then, how could we ever be and still win?
Often when God calls people to a particular task, part of the call is the promise of God's presence with them. - Rusten