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Into Our Homes

Now if anyone does not provide for his own relatives, and especially for his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. - 1 Timothy 5:8

In my experience, few churches are able to authentically address true accountability in the area of practical, social responsibility. Even though many preach discipline and accountability (and still others practice social ministry), very few actually look into the lives of congregants and ask, "Are we living as we should at home?" We often expect the pastor to confront ungodliness, but corporate accountability, lovingly speaking into the intimate details of each others lives, just does not exist. Why is this the case?

In most of our churches, matters of the home are considered "private" and no one's business. Is it any wonder then that local church statistics in the area of family health rival and mirror those for the nation as a whole? How will we ever see revival in our nation if we continue to refuse the means to revival in our own households?

The fact remains that if we really desire societal change, we must let the church, no, invite the church into our homes.

And then, be very faithful: take God's word as the only measure of thy life, especially in the family. - Andrew Murray


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