"When they saw Him, they worshiped, but some doubted." - Matthew 28:17
Is it possible to worship God and doubt Him at the same time? Well, the disciples did!
Of course, at the moment indicated above they still weren't indwelt by the Holy Spirit and you can be sure that if we were in the same situation and circumstance, we would have doubted as well. You see, it is often possible, even for those who believe, to comprehend the glory of God and yet still doubt His goodness and presence at times.
The disciples could see Him, but they needed to know that He would never leave them again. They knew the power of the Master, but they were still not assured of the presence of the Savior. The answer that Jesus gave to all their questions (vv. Matthew 28:18-20) is His same response to us in those instances where we also find ourselves struggling with doubt, and that answer is His authority. He has it all. He will never leave us.
It is enough.
There lives more faith in honest doubt, believe me, than in half the creeds. - Alfred Lord Tennyson