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Jealous Indeed

You are never to bow down to another god because Yahweh, being jealous by nature, is a jealous God. - Exodus 34:14

In the verse above, in place of the word "jealous," my French Bible uses the word (which translated means) "demanding." This led me to investigate and ask, "Are they the same thing?"

The English dictionary says that to be jealous is to be "intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness." This same dictionary also says that to be demanding is "to require much time, effort, or attention." So, in this context, attributing these terms to God, the only problem I see is that "demanding" falls short of what the Lord wants us to understand.

God does not require much time, effort, or attention. He requires it all and is absolutely intolerant of a single rival for our complete affection. He demands to be first in every relationship and every allegiance. God is much more than demanding.

He is indeed jealous.

Do not have other gods besides Me. - YHWH (Exodus 20:3)

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