Again he [Isaac] asked, "Are you really my son Esau?" And he [Jacob] replied, "I am." – Genesis 27:24
Jacob, who was aptly named "Deceiver," was also a liar. Even though Esau forfeited his birthright for a bowl of stew, Jacob stole it through deceit and lies, and through his deceitful actions we can see the power of God to overcome the imperfections of His children.
Despite our sin, God accomplishes His goals and purposes. Does this free us from culpability and give us license to live any way that we desire? In the words of Paul, "God forbid!" Rebekah and Jacob felt it was necessary to orchestrate and take (by deception) something that God had already promised. The result was that they missed God's blessing that could have been theirs had they chosen to put their entire trust in Him.
Remember, it is never necessary to manipulate your circumstances to achieve that which God has already promised, and it is simply not possible to undo that which God has ordained. Just trust.
All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen. – Ralph Waldo Emerson