I have given my word to YHWH and I cannot take it back. - Judges 11:35
The story of Jephthah and his daughter is both tragic and instructive. As a biblical judge (deliverer), Jephthah pledged that if God granted him victory in a crucial battle with the Ammonites he would sacrifice the first thing that greeted him upon his return home. To us it certainly seemed to be a foolish vow (something against which God had warned), but nonetheless, it was a vow made to God (who takes them seriously), and because he kept it, Jephthah is listed as an example of faith in Hebrews 11.
Have you given your word to the Lord? Have you, before the Lord, made a vow? If so, you cannot take it back, no matter how much you might like to do so. Please, always keep your word, and always keep it (especially to God), no matter the cost.
Put your nose into the Bible every day. It is your spiritual food. And then share it. Make a vow not to be a lukewarm Christian. - Kirk Cameron