That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. – Genesis 2:24
Marriage, the uniting of one man to one woman before God for life, makes a lot of sense biblically (of course), but also socially and physically. The commitment and bond that a lifelong marriage requires (and displays) is a source of stability for a community as well as an example of grace and covenant.
Of course, marriage is not easy, but no relationship is. In marriage, a man leaves his parents and is joined to his wife, which is why the Lord said what God has put together, man should not tear apart. A man or woman might easily terminate a friendship, but when "two are united into one," and that union is in Christ, ending it is an idea that should approach impossibility.
Are you married? Has God "joined you together?" The couple that is not convinced of God's hand in their union, or worse not concerned about God or His purposes at all, will always consider divorce as an option. The couple that is truly in love with Jesus, will not. Of course, sometimes, the decision is not left to us. One chooses to leave of his or her own accord, and in such cases, God gives grace.
Marriage calls us to "leave and cleave." On the other hand, divorce allows that if your mate should leave, you should always cleave to Christ.
Making marriage work is like running a farm. You have to start all over again each morning. – Unknown