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Lest We Forget

These are the LORD's appointed times, the sacred assemblies you are to proclaim at their appointed times. - Leviticus 23:4

Within the Law of Moses, God set four times each year when His people were to gather to worship Him at the Temple in Jerusalem. These gatherings were in addition to the regular Sabbaths and offerings He had proscribed. They were times of remembrance and reflection, "markers" to call all Israel back to what was truly important.

Each time we celebrate the Lord's Supper it should be a similar reminder of God's gracious provision. It is a time that should call us back to the central focus of our faith. In fact, wouldn't it also be healthy for a church to regularly remember those special moments of God's particular provision in her own particular history? Shouldn't we take time to remember what God has done, and how?

It is good to look forward to future obedience in God's service and how best to accomplish His purposes, but let us always take the time to remember God's past favor as well, lest we forget.

We must always remember that when God is above us, no act of service is below us.... We are either on the stretcher or helping to carry it. A church filled with people who serve will change the world. - Kevin Harney

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