I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to live in freedom. - Leviticus 26:13
In His instructions to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai, God made it abundantly clear that they were never to place another Israelite in bondage. The reason for this command was expressly stated as, "You are free."
In his letter to the church at Rome (chapter 6), Paul wrote of our freedom as Christ-followers. We are no longer enslaved to sin, but having been purchased by Christ on Calvary, we now belong to Him. It is clear from Paul's instruction that as we are no longer slaves of this world, we must not enslave others. How do we enslave, you ask?
We enslave others when we hold grudges, harbor unforgiveness, or heap guilt. If we perceive that another person has offended us, we often go to great lengths to remind them, even after he/she has expressed repentance. An unfortunate outcome of such an attitude is that even though we intend to enslave others, we may be the only one still in chains!
Do you wish to be free? Learn to let it, them, and ultimately yourself go.
A man that studies revenge keeps his own wounds green. - Francis Bacon