The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. - Exodus 1:17
In order to kill all the male Hebrew babies in Egypt, the pharaoh needed the help of the midwives; therefore, he commanded them to perform the evil deed. This, of course, left them with a difficult decision: obey the king of Egypt (the earthly law) or obey God. The verse above is a written record of their response.
They broke the law and "let the boys live."
Millions of babies have been aborted in America. When I first gave such statistics to my overseas friends, they were appalled. They wondered how a country as civilized, advanced, and "western" as ours could do such a thing. In those places where some pagan idolaters are still known to sacrifice children to appease evil spirits, they were astonished to learn of our wanton approach to life.
One thing is clear, technological advancement does not give us the moral high ground. This can only come from a biblical view of the sanctity of life. And this view is just as necessary in our country as it is in theirs. When it comes to children, we must let them live.
Abortion is the ultimate violence. - Robert Casey