The sun shone on him as he passed by Penuel — limping because of his hip. - Genesis 32:31
When Jacob wrestled with God at Peniel, it resulted in a changed name, an altered gait, and a transformed heart.
After such a divine encounter, I would venture to say that it was probably impossible to end up any other way. Any man or woman of God that has truly grappled with the Almighty will be utterly changed and even if his or her earthly name remains the same, the new identity will be apparent to all. Perhaps, the most visible alteration from such an exchange would be a tell-tale "limp." Wounded ever-so deeply by His truth, the ardent disciple walks through this life flawed in the flesh, pierced to the very core by the abiding presence of Christ.
Why is this injury so deep and so necessary? Each of us must never forget that from the moment we truly met the Lord, we may never again run in a strength that is our own.
Can we follow the Savior far, who have no wound or scar? - Amy Carmichael