There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many? - John 6:9
There is an old gospel song with a line that states, "little is much when God is in it."
How true! Many of the churches I have pastored (including the current one) were modest in size, yet they were positioned in the middle of vast, unchurched mission fields. In one of these churches, we even chose to "engage" an unreached people group in a remote region of the world. Our physical resources often appeared to be inadequate in the face of such overwhelming ministry needs (both local and not), but we knew that with God, all things are possible!
Of a truth, no amount of physical resources can affect eternity unless God does that which only He can do. As someone once said, "It is not our ability He needs. It is our availability He desires." Let us just obediently keep laying it all at His feet, bring our "loaves and fishes to Him," and watch Him multiply it all for His glory.
Jesus says we should be glad to invest in a harvest even though the benefit of our labor might go to the church down the street. If our mission is the expansion of the kingdom, it shouldn't matter who reaps the benefit of our labor. - Mike Breen