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Live Christ

In regard to this, they are surprised that you don't plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation — and they slander you. They will give an account to the One who stands ready to judge the living and the dead. - 1 Peter 4:4-5

Practically every person that chooses to follow Christ out of a pagan lifestyle will face the same dilemma, "How do I separate myself from old, destructive relationships and friendships?" Of course, when we begin to follow Christ we need to establish a new life of holiness that more properly reflects His image, but what about those friends from the old environment that need Him as well? Often the changes that our peers observe in us spark questions and interest, but our new life choices may also bring conviction, and often convicted people are also angry people.

About 40 years ago, when I began to make a concerted effort to live for Christ (in word and deed), a close friend grew angry over the change in my personal habits. He questioned me repeatedly to find out if it was real or just contrived. Later on, he confided to me that he was convicted by my consistent desire to honor Christ, but also drawn to the Lord by it and eventually trusted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.


In other words, your conversion dilemma just may be another's salvation. Live Christ and leave the rest to Him.


The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them. - George Bernard Shaw

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