Then the Angel of YHWH appeared to him and said: "YHWH is with you, mighty warrior." - Judges 6:12
Were you aware that God has a greater grasp on your potential than even you do?
When the Angel of YHWH appeared to Gideon, he called him a "mighty warrior." The amusing thing was that Gideon certainly did not believe he was either a warrior or mighty. In his own mind, he was simply the youngest son of the smallest clan in the tribe of Manasseh. His motto was most likely, "No might. No fight."
You may not be able to be anything you want in this world, but you can be everything that God wants. Paul said that he could do all things through Christ who gave Him the strength. Is it too much to believe that He can do the same for you?
Many people never fail simply because they never try. They find it hard to believe that God could ever use them. These same people also never experience the grace and greatness of God. Maybe it is time we began to live up to His expectations and not our own.
Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential. - Winston Churchill