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More About The "Light"

He was not the light, but he came to testify about the light. - John 1:8

You are not the Light!

Okay, I'm sure this isn't a surprise for most of you, or at least, it shouldn't be. Yet, it seems that some folks just can't get this. So, how can you tell if you are one of them?

First, you think you might be the Light if you make more of yourself (or your ministry) than you make of Jesus. Those who think they are the "light" steal the glory that rightly belongs to God. Often their "advertising" (yes, that is what it is) lauds their programs, preachers, or property, but strangely hides the Savior, as if by attraction to one of those things, a person might then be introduced to Christ. No wonder so many of our church members do not truly believe. They have been won by earthly influence to a finite idol rather than by heavenly power to an infinite Deity.

Second, you think you might be the Light if you take the burden or the credit for the conversion of others. We cannot convert a single person. That is God's job. Let it go. Bear witness, not responsibility. Why would we ever take credit for those who decide to follow Him? If we as "hammers" ever hit the "nail" of truth it is only because we remain in the hand of an expert "Carpenter."

John the Baptizer was a witness to the Light. He was not the Light, and neither are we. Cast off the credit, the burden, and feeble attempts at attraction. JESUS, and only Jesus is the Light of the World!

Advertising - a judicious mixture of flattery and threats. - Northrop Frye

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