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Move Out!

They told Joshua, "The LORD has handed over the entire land to us. Everyone who lives in the land is also panicking because of us." - Joshua 2:24

Before Joshua and the Israelites attacked Jericho, he sent two spies to check it out.  The spies returned with their report, basically assuring and encouraging victory.

It is normal for a leader (or anyone else) to research and seek information before taking significant action. It is also widely accepted as a good practice. Good information usually leads to good decisions and with all the information in hand you lessen the possibility of making a catastrophic mistake. Yet, what does a person do when good research and information are not available? Perhaps they can wait, or should wait, but what if waiting is not an option?

In moments like these, some people possess something that others don't. The person who follows Christ possesses the Holy Spirit and wisdom from above. Right decisions are not always easily made, but when the decision one faces is apparently amoral (neither righteous or unrighteous) the Christ-follower is able to trust their own heart, which just happens to be inhabited by God Himself.

If you belong to Christ, then gather all the information you can (don't neglect God's Word or God's people), listen to God's voice inside your heart, put your trust in Him, and move out!

It doesn't matter which side of the fence you get off on sometimes. What matters most is getting off. You cannot make progress without making decisions. - Jim Rohn

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